10 JULY 1936, Page 3

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The B .B .0 . Debate On Monday the House of Commons debated the Government's decisions on the recommendations of the 131k-water Committee on Broadcasting ; the debate showed that Parliament clearly has no intention of losing its authority over the B.B.C. But since the Government has refused to appoint a senior Cabinet Minister to deal with the cultural side of broadcasting, a considerable responsibility for exercising control falls upon the Governors. The Board is to be enlarged and strengthened; but the Governors need to be young and active men, for broadcasting, it seems, demands strong nerves. Both Parliament and the public have a real pride in the achievements of the B.B.C. ; no one has had any doubts about the wisdom of extending its charter. But this satis- faction is sometimes tainted by suspicions that all is not quite well with the domestic affairs of Broadcasting House. It would be a pity if such suspicions were allowed to affect the real achievements of the Corporation ; but Sometimes cases arise which, as Parliament seemed well aware, deserve the closest public attention.