9 JULY 1942, Page 14


Sin,—Let me support Canon Mozley, or rather supplement his protest. We of the Wine and Food Society hold that a man can dine well for a guinea, or dine badly for a guinea; and dine well for tenpence or dine badly for tenpence. In present circumstances, we are trying to show people how to feed austerely but well, and so oe happier and have better digestions, for their war effort; and I have no reason to think, Sir, that 35. 6d. spent on the quarterly issue of Wine and Food is worse spent than on seven numbers of The Spectator. Any suggestion that the Wine and Food Society should " go to ground " for the period of hostilities is directly or indirectly harmful to the national effort; as " Janus," by the choice of his pen-name, presumably understands Latin, I venture to quote to him Hoc Ithacus velit, et magno mercentur Atridae.—Yours