10 JUNE 1843, Page 20


Tuesday, June 6.


Restall and Morris, Walker's Court, Golden Square. hosiers-Good and Swauston. White Street, Muornelds, plumbers-Stephens and De Bayo, Jeffrey's Square, St. Mary Axe, merchants-T. and W. Etty, New Melton. Yorkshire, wiue-merchauts - Tilt and Bogue, Fleet Street, booksellers -Wyer and Finley, Newiugton Causeway,. tailors-R. T. and J. Evans. Manchester, corn-factors-Woodhouse and Holden. Bolton, attorneys-Holt and Ogden, Portwooil within Briuuington, Chester. cotton- spiuners-Eltion and Oliver, Liverpool, linendrapers-Megson and Dibb. Wakefield, brewers -Pearson and Pattersou, Bradford. Yolkshire, provision-merchants- Bealey and Co. Manchester, bleachers-Pacey and Wood. Manchester, varnish-manufacturers -.I. and E. Armstrong. Manchester. wiue-merchauts-H. C. and J. J. Milford, Truro, tea-dealers-Kinley and Simpson. Manchester, warehousemen - Dobson aud Co. Brad. ford, Yorkshire, comb mauutactureis ; as far as regards J Snowden -Tyzack and Co. North Shields, chaiu-manufacturers; as far as regards Tyzack -T. and T. Tinsley, Sedgley, Staffordshire, nail-manufacturers-Brooker and Peufuld, Brighton, attornies -Le Plastrier and Young, Chancery Lane, watchmakers-Watt and Appleton, Man- chester, commission-merchants-Devogee and Perry, Manchester, Jacquard machine- makers, DECLARATIONS of INSOLVENCY UNDER THE NEW Acr. Harris, Paris Street, Lambeth, comedian-Harrop, Stockport. tailor- Greenwood, Blackburn, bailiff to the Bla Ahura Court of Requests-Hall, Beighton, Derbyshire. sickle.grinder-Christiau, Liverpool, mathematical instrument-maker-Aboett. Lei- cester, rope.maker-Parker, Birmingham, First Lieutenant half-pay R.51.-Robinsons Huddersfield, beer-retailer-Prestou,1Nottiugham, coal-agent-Smith. Rochdale, out of business-Stott, Rochdale, publican-N•Sorley, Liverpool. hatter- Hibbert, Mau- chester-Williams. Bath, tailor-Gallon, North Shields, out of busiuese-Coster. Chatham, plumber-Aguilar, Brunswick Street, Newiugtuu, clerk-Bradshaw, Hulme, attorney- Edwards, Chesterfield, beerhonee keeper-Richards, Frederick's Place, Gostell Road, silver-chaser-Palmer, King Street, Commercial Road East, traveller.


EDEN, WILLIAM. Queen Street, Cheapside. printer.


Comeron. JOHN WILLIAM, Upper George Street, Bryanstone Square. bookseller. to surrender June 24. Slily 18: solicitor. Mr. Williams; Alfred Place, Bedford Square ; official assignee, Mr. Groom. Abchnrch Lane. DEN5Epg.WitLIAM, Bath. tailor, June 21. July 18: solicitors, Messrs. Clarke and Co. Lincolu's Inn Fields; and Mr. Hall. Bristol ; official assignee. Mr. Morgan. Bristol. GEORGE, Joust Noototoz, Upper Berkeley Street. bookseller, June 20, July 15: soli- citors, Mr. Kernot, Welbeck Street ; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Alichurch Lane. REYNOLDS, Wittror. and FAIRBANK. JOHN Tearing. Sheffield. builders. June 17. July 8: solicitors, Messrs. Dixon aud Aldam. Sheffield; official assignee. Fearne. Leeds. RYAN. JOHN, Stockp rt. surgeon. June 14. July 11: solicitor, Mr. James, Basingliall Street ; official assignee. Mr. Johnson. Basinghall Street. Sommeron, FREDERICK. Kingston. Jamaica. merchant, June 16. July 10: solicitors. Mr. Carey. Southampton Buildings; and Mr. Whitley, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool. SLADE. WILLIAM. Bridport. shoemaker. June 14. July 12: solicitors. Messrs. Templer and Sun. litidnort; and Clowns awl Co. Temple official assignee, Hernamau. Exeter.

STRIPLING. Tecistas. Colchester, coachmaker. June 14. July 18: solicitors. Messrs. Wire and Child, St. Swithin's Lane; and Mr. Barnes, Colchester; official assignee, Mr. Lackington. Coleman Street Buildings.

Tsersusatt, GEORGE, Noble Street. hosier, June 13, July 18: solicitors. Messrs. Lewis and Co. Ely Place; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore. Basinghall Street. WALLER, Thomas. Preston. brewer. Julie 16. July 15: solicitor, Mr. Yonge, Token- htuse Yard; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry, Wurrtamm, JoSEPH. Stockport. pawnbroker. June 13. Judy 11; solicitor, Mr. James. Basiughall Street ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson. Basinghall Street.


June 27, Curlewis. Hanover S'reet. Hanover Square, tailor -June 27, Fenn, Brom- ley, Kent, draper -June 27, Goodeve, Chichester. banker's clerk-June 27, Wood, Gravesend. carpenter-Jane 27, Curtis, Soho Square, bookseller-June 27, Daniel. Lime Street. provision-merchant -July 5, Bell, Newcastle upon.Tyn., fruiterer-July 6, James, Durham, bookseller-June 30, .1. and W. Herring. Newcastle-upou-Tyne, merchants-July 7. Bowman, Car:isle, woolleudraper-June 30. Calbreath, Houghton - le-Spring. Durham, draper-July 4. Bell and Davison, Newcastle upon-Tyne, earthenware manufacturers-July 6. Gales and Co. Hylton, Durham, shipbuilders- July 28, Hussey, Nether Knutsford, Cheshire, bread-baker.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, en the day of meeting.

' June 27, Cobham and Wright. Camden Place. Peckam, builders -July 9. Peters, Merstham, coal-merchant- June27. Austin , Paradise Street, Rotherbithe, apothecary- June 27, Nicholsoo, Mark Lane. corn-dealer-July 15. Durant and Banks. Farniue

e- ham, Kent, bakers-July 29, Eshelbv. Gate Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, carrier- June 29. Penton and Co. Sunderland, -Durham, irou.manufacturers -July 4, Herring- ton and Pattinson, Woodbank, Carnberland, calico-rninters- July 3, Rican and Co. Sunderlaud, tinners-July 5, Bell, Newcastle.upon-Tyue, fruiterer.

SCOTCH SEQUESTRATNNS. BRYCE, PETER, Glasgow, victualler. June 13, July 4. Huss, en. JOHN, near Midcalder, wood-merchant. June 20, July 8. Herron, WILLIAM, South Queensferry, Linlithgow, baker, June 13, July 4.

Friday, June 9.


Beck and Barton. Nottingham, lace-manufacturers-I. end C. Watts, Stogursey. Somersetshire. connuon-brewers -Chapman and Hall, Reading, linendrapers -C. and H. Beck, South Melton Street, milliners-Beardsley and Selby. New Radford, Not- tinghamshire, lace.makers-Smart and Moon. Guildford, stonemasons-Bryant and Co. Plymouth. blacking-manufacturers ; as far as regards James -Luse..mbe and Co. Plymouth. coal merchants; as far as regards May-Doig and Kerr, Ipswich, drapers -Sidebotham and Co. Liverpool. carpet-dealers -Cone and Ellis. Pershore. Worces. tershire, woolstaplers-Trubshaw and Jones. Porton. Staffordshire, stonemasons- Sherriff and Co. Watling Street. calico-printers; as far as regards F. Sherriff-Swar- brick and Pickup, Livesay. Lancashire, manufacturers of fire.bricks-Forrister and Yates, Wyrley, Staffordshire, coal-masters-Wilson and Co. Fulham Road, common. brewers-Kerr and Co. Glasgow, engineers.


Harris, Clapham Road. lodging:house-keeper -Goodeve, Norman Street, Old Street, out of business-Thompson. Boroughbiidge, veterivary-surgeou- Whiteley. Hudders- field. machine maker-Proud, Littlest orth. Oxfordshire. carpenter -Culm, Warring- ton, victualler-Prince, Manchester, salesman-Shaw, Sheffield. plasterer-Collins, Pershore. Worcestershire, beer.retailer -Putman. Whalley, Lancashire, blacksmith - Egmore, Norwich, agent for the sale of coals-A. and J. Fliudell, Lancing, Sussex, schoolmistresses-Williams, Upton, Buckinghamshire, Barrister-Higgins, Dudley. stationer-Ludlow. Warner Street, Dover Road, assistant.warehouseman-Pitkin, Berkhampstead, plasterer-Melton. Woolwich, fly-master-Cobb. Colchester. horse- dealer- Mitchell. Chester Gardens. Lambeth-Turnbull, Barnard Castle, Durham, millwright-Harrison, Vale of Health. Hampstead, out of business -Davis, Peckham, tailor-Law, otherwise Low, Sheffield, cutler.


BREASLEY, JAMES. Leeds. victualler, to surrender June 20. July 1 1; solicitors, Messrs. Smithson and Mil15311, Southampton Buildings; and Messrs. Dunning and Slaw man, Leeds; official assignee. Mr. Young. Leeds. GLARES. Joust and Co. Leicester. bankers, June 22. July 19: solicitors, Messrs. Berridge and Macaulay. Leicester ; official assignee. Mr. Christie Birmingham. Desve. JOHN, Oxford. bookseller, June 16. July 21: solicitor. Mr. Lloyd, Milk Street, Cheapside; official assigsee, Mr- Belcher, King's Arms Yard. EXLEY, WILLIAM, Manchester, bootmaker. June 26, July 19: solicitors. Messrs. Gregory and Co. Bedford Ron ; and Mr. Cooper. Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Stanway. Manchester. GRIEVE, JOHN. Nicholas Lane, engraver. June 20, July 21: solicitors, Messrs. Tit- leant and Son. Old Jewry; official assignee. Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane. MALLAN, JAMES MICHAEL. Ludgate Hill, dentist. Julie 15, July 21: solicitor, Mr. Yates, Bury Street, St. Mary Age; official assignee. Mr. Pennell, Basingliall Street.

klamumr, THOMAS, Sheffield. brewer. June 23, July 10: solicitors, Messrs. Parker and Smith. Sheffield; official assignee, Mr. Freeman. Leeds.

MUSGRAyE, WILLIAM. Leeds. dyer, June 20, July II : solicitor, Mr. Stott, Leeds; official assignee. Mr. Pearce, Leeds.


June 30. Davies. Grosvenor Street, draper -June 30, Holloway, Stockbridge, vic- tualler-July 3, Halls, Colchester, fishmonger-July 8, Ritchie, Rotherhithe, ship- wright-July 4, Gse and Hughes, Fleet Street, tea dealers-July 5, Lewes, Fleet Street, bookseller-Judy 4. Morrison, Wapping, cooper-July 5, English. New Broad Street, printer-July 3, Crowther. Huddersfield, corn miller- July 6, Elam, Hudders- field, stable keeper-July 14, Seaborne. Berkeley, baker-July 5, Ferris, Bristol, mer- chant-July 5, Stretch and Wharton, Nottingham, engineers.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on the day of meeting. July 5. Adnum, Dorrington Street, Clerkenwell, upholsterer-June 30. Cross and Spied'. Colchester, merchants-June 30, Rose, Suttou Valence. Kent, grreer-July 4. Tan. Tooley Street, slop seller-July 4, Hunnybuu. Cambridge, ironmonger-July 5. Papplewell, Batley. Yorkshire, blanket manufacturer - July 4, Merge, Nantwich, watchmaker - June 30, Collet. Duet. Wakefield, cotton spinner - July 5, Carter, Halifax. curu-miller -July, 3, Morris, Halifax, wire-drawer- July 8, Deakin, Dawley, Shropshire. grocer. Tube granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or bsfore June 30. Gayles, Hylton, Durham, ahip-builder-Nowell, Huddersfield, currier-Buckley, Aslitou-under-Line.shopkeeper-Gowen, Morpeth, brewer-Burgoyue. Plymouth, Imilder-Liggius, Hinckley, Leicestershire, hosier-Anderson, Aigburth. Lancashire, plumber-Gaulton, Dorchester, victualler-Fawcett, St. John Street, coach-builder- Thompson, Exeter, merchant - Kirby, Brooksby Street, Islington, victualler-Miles, Newiugton Causeway. saddlers' ironmonger-Simmons, Longwick. Buckinghamshire, corn-dealer -Hutchits, Andover, carrier - Burton, Cambridge, draper-South. South- ampton Street, Strand, wine merchant-Gatenby, Shadwell, grocer-Scary, Swiudur, near Northop, Fliutahire, maltster -Teague, Birmingham, builder.


CAMERON, D., Bridge of Weir, grocer. June 14, July 5. hi- DONALD, P., Crochet, Inverness-shire. cattle-dealer, June 14, July 5. M•Gux, J., Glasgow, victualler, June 12. July 3. 74 PEIERSON, J., Greenock grocer, June 17, July 8. .MACPRER9ON, A.. Glasgow, mason. June 16, July 7. Nettson,W., Edinburgh, baker, June 15, Iuly'10. Boas, .1. S., Greuock, merchant, June 13, July 5.