10 JUNE 1871, Page 25

The Book to Teach you how to be Rich, {Vise,

and Good. By the Oldest School Inspector. (Joseph Bentley).—We cannot do better than add the rest of the title, which describes this volume as "designed to show all parents, teachers in existing schools and colleges for both sex [sic], and members of all new School Boards, how the Queen's subjects may be taught to become £137,740,000 richer every year, to live a deal longer than their fathers did ; and also, be more certain to be happy here and hereafter." This is attractive. Say that "the Queen's subjects" number thirty millions. Every man woman and child will be about 10s. richer if they will only road "The Oldest School Inspector's book,"—not a bad thing for a poor man, especially if he has a large family. And, of course, it is true. The author has written what we are told is "Trig Bssr UNINSPIRED Boax for teaching Children how to become well off in this world and happy in the next." In fact, the 0. S. I., as he calls himself, has been a sort of protecting pro- vidence, unrecognized, like other great blessings, to whom we owe whatever progress we have made during the last forty years, and who, if we would only have listened to him, would have made us infinitely better, and wiser, and richer (the 0. S. I. sagaciously puts everything down in figures) than we are. If we only would have taken his advice, we might have got rid of tho National Debt two years ago, and that without paying even so much in the way of taxes as we pay now. Did the 0. S. L's method consist in issuing Government notes to the amount, or did it consist in totally economizing the expenses of the Army and Navy ? Why, says the 0. S. I., waste money from the fear that the French armies will sack London, &c.? They tried to cross a river, not the sea, and see how they have been broken to pieces, and that by a people not more able to defend themselves than we are. Some people might question this last statement. We are bound to say that among our author's means of bringing on the Millennium is the publishing of what look like very scandalous libels.