10 JUNE 1911, Page 1

There is nothing new of importance to record in regard

tc Morocco. General Moinier and his column are stated to have returned to Fez from the Sherarda country on June 3rd, and will leave in a few days for Mekinez. During the expedition the French commander received many tribal submissions, and punishment was meted out to the villages whose inhabitants had attacked Colonel Gouraud's column on its march from the coast. In connexion with Moroccan news we may chronicle the fact that a certain amount of concern seems to be shown in Paris in regard to the policy of the Spanish Government. In some quarters the Spaniards are even suspected of "ambitious schemes for dominating the Straits of Gibraltar." According to the Paris correspondent of the Times on Thursday, the Temps warns the Spanish Press that neither the Algeciras Act nor the Franco-Spanish Convention of 1904 warrants the schemes of permanent occupation which are at present being urged upon the Spanish Government by a section of the Spanish Press. Any suggestions that have been made for partition were always subject "to the event of the disappearance of the Shereefian power in Morocco," an event which, of course, has not taken place, and is not now probable.