10 JUNE 1911, Page 25


[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review in other forms.] Canada of To-day. By W. Maxwell. (Jarrolds. Is. net.)— The original material of this little book appeared in a daily journal, but it is well worth republishing, being sane, unprejudiced common-sense. This is the most noteworthy feature of tho chapters dealing with the Canadian attitude towards Federation, Free Trade, Reciprocity, and Imperial Defence. Free Trade has not the same meaning in Canada, for instance, OA it has here. "Freer Trade" is what most Canadians understand; hence Reci- procity with the States. The reason why we do not understand the real wishes of the Dominion is that words alter when they are transplanted. Perhaps the most interesting chapters in Canada of To-day are those dealing with the French-Canadian Nationalist Movement. French Canada is said to be the last stronghold of Roman Catholic privilege, and the political power of the Roman hierarchy in Quebec is undeniable. It is complicated by the differences between Irish and French Catholics, and Mr. Bouraasa's ideal must succumb in time to the enormous immigration of English and Americans into the West, for one cannot believe he will succeed in spreading the French language westwards. Mr. Maxwell puts the problems of to-day succinctly and lucidly, and most temperately, and that is high praise. He says the American invasion is welcomed, nor need we wonder when 100,000 immi- grants came, bringing with them cash and effects valued at twenty millions sterling. A country, however patriotic, likes this kind of invasion.