10 JUNE 1916, Page 13


SIR,—With reference to your criticism on Mr. Churchill's speed re "wastage in the ranks." As regards "officers' servants," let me state the facts existing in the battalion to which the writer belongs, and which are very generally the case "at the front." We all have a batman. These are all actually "in the line"; none are left behind in billets. Their duties are to cook their officers' food and to act as their runner—for no officer is allowed to go about the trenches without a runner with him. Out of the trenches the batman goes on all parades save the one before breakfast—this was also our practice when training in England. I can assure you that an officer really requires a batman to look after his needs, as he has no time to do this for himself. As regards "grooms," the Colonel and second in command only have one. The remainder of the officers' chargers aro attended to by men on the transport of the battalion.—I am, Sir, &c., France. MAJOR, 0 C. Company. [We have dealt with the subject of officers' servants at the front in our "News of the Week" columns.—En. Spectator.]