10 JUNE 1922, Page 2

As good a summary-as we could -give-of Irish- situation was

contained in a sermon preached by Cardinal Logue on Wednesday which we see reported in the Manchester Guardian.! Cardinal Logue.: said

Tor, seven, hundred- years we have been sighing for freedom, and-it•seeseed-tehe-within-onr-grasp-at last; betrunforinntately; owing_ to the+ folly of :our. own, people, instead of taking; whet was likely to secure that great blessing—we,had received terms. which 'aroused the astonishment of the people of ether countries and won the, admiration and congratulation- of, revery -friend. of - Ireland—through dissension and through the divisions of our own people, there is -a-danger of it slipping. away,..altogether. . . . There is a war going on. now of what is called the boundaries, which is leading to the death of a number of people and which is. bringing-misery -and-want,. and making. it impossible.lor-the majority. of. the people. to. attend to their business., That is the moat senaeless. war _any person. could think of.. . . . There seems to be a curse falling upon our people.. . . There is no.

doubt the British -Ptime Minister- and the British Gbvernment - are- doing their-hest:4o protect _the-Christiana in.Turkeyv r wish_

they, wouldpay. a little„atteutiow to the state of our- :country here and do a little job for us. before they pass on their way. to Constantinople or Anatolia. . . . I heard some time ago, and I found that the rumour had foundation, that even school- boys and selesolgirls-- were • going about carrying revolvers. I wish.to the Lord that. therewere. a few strong:men goingabout carrying• birch:. rods to got- at these people who are • carrying revolvers."