10 JUNE 1922, Page 2

Last Saturday there was a .touching and impressive service when-the

-Britialt- Legion; under the presidency,. of. Lord Haig, held a memorial parade at the Cenotaph. One -of the objects of the Legion is:," to perpetuate the memory of those who died in the service. of ;their country." But,, of course, the Legion haa. other -objects,. the- most, important- of which.- are to keep ex-Service men togetherito look after their interests and generally to help them in life without. any reference to.- politics.- We sincerely-hopethalrLord'aig will have the eatisfaction of seeing a full and ripe harvest, from all the work which, he has ungrudg- ingly done.- The. Government may- have failed in making " a land . fit for. heroes." but private- persons; and., organizations privately • inspired, . have often succeeded where Governments havefailed, and _they will do so -again... &Were know how to stand by soldiers;. and-there is no chance of failure there ; but the public by ;helping-the Legion will have .a,simple- and ready means of showing that _they can never forget ,what-the soldiers did- in - the -