10 JUNE 1938, Page 18

Co - operative Tree Planters " Collective security," that blessed phrase of

the day, is being secured with excellent results- in the defence of rural England against the Goths. Oxfordshire, which has done

notable work for what we hope are winning causes, has been the scene of one very pleasing essay in such 'co-operation.

Often local councils and societies arc no easier to persuade into co-operative harmony than nations speaking different tongues, but there are some cheering exceptions, of which the following may be quoted. The Oxfordshire branch of the C.P.R.E. supplies the record :

" Two tree planting schemes in which the Branch has assisted were completed during the year. On the re-constructed Oxford- Henley road at Bix, the scheme was worked out carefully and thoroughly by the County Surveyor in consultation with the Bri.inch's adviser, Major G. C. Whitaker, and the Roads Beautifying Association, the work being carried out by the County Council. In the other instance on the Banbury Road near the old Oxford Zoo, the scheme was submitted by Major Whitaker and adopted and carried out, with a few modifications, by the County Council."

Everyone loves a tree ; and yet the immediate, insensate and often foolish destruction of trees is usually the very first act of a type of builder and contractor which has done most harm to the English countryside.

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