10 JUNE 1955, Page 37


ACROSS Apollyon in the van—very spicy! (8).

5 'I do — here on the General,' said Cassio (6).

9 0, Romance? In real earnest (3, 5).

10 Head girl full of wisdom (6),

12 Over-docile, seemingly, when chiselled (6).

13 Give nine raps for the lunch-baskets (8).

18 Shakespeare's version of The Thin Man (12).

18 An excuse for a cup of kindness (4, 4,4).

23 It adds distinction to the arm of the law (8).

24 It's almost a blessing to get this kind of punishment (6). DOWN 1 'My daughter! 0 my —1' (Shake- sPeare) (6).

2 At the witch's just after five (6).

3 Walk to the palace (7).

4 'Still would'st thou sing and! have—in vain' (Keats) (4).

6 She fell in love with some ass and couldn't get to the bottom of the affail (7).

7 Which, being interpreted (8).

8 The life of a frock; it's very elegant (8).

11 Swill butterfly (8).

14 Where to look for Mrs. Arabin in Dorchester (7).

16 'I must speak in passion, and I will do it in King — vein' (Shakespeare) (8).

17 The answer is certain to give delight (8), 19 The girls for Burns (7).

20 What's in a name? (7).

21 A Ruthless Rhymer (6).

22 Authority at women's college is air- minded (6).

25 Uncertain pars 01 17 (4).

Two prizes will be awarded: a copy ol the De Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary 411i1 a book token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders ol the first two correct solution' opened after noon on June 21 and addressed: Crossword No. 11311, 99 Gower St., Loudon, WC1.

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords.