10 JUNE 1995, Page 55


Led by lords

Andrew Robson

THE ANNUAL LORDS versus Commons bridge match was set up 21 years ago by that most remarkable of female bridge stars, the late Rixi Markus. The match is played in a light- hearted way, with eight Members on each side. The Commons, captained 'by Sir Peter Emery, won resoundingly this year, though the Lords still lead overall: 11 to 10. The best-played hand award went to Lord Brougham and Vaux, though it was his partner's enterprising bidding that created the opportunity: Dealer South Both Sides Vulnerable South Pass 2+ 5+ The Bidding West North Pass 14 Pass Pass 6+ East Pass Pass All Pass Lord Skelmersdale's hand (North) became very powerful after his partner had bid clubs, and he blasted his partner into slam, giving little away about his hand. Their natural bidding sequence befitted the venue for the match: the Portland Club, where no conventions are allowed. An increasingly popular con- vention, especially on the tournament circuit, is the 'Splinter bid', whereby a double jump in a new suit agrees the last bid suit and shows extreme shortage in the new suit.. Had North splintered into 411 over 2+, West might have led a dia- mond (the unbid suit) and defeated the 6+ contract. Instead he selected a deceptive 410 as his opening lead. Lord Brougham (South) rose with the ace, drew the trumps in two rounds and played a spade to the king and ruffed the spades good.. He could trump a heart, throw his diamond losers on the estab- lished spades and make all thirteen tricks.