10 JUNE 2006, Page 26

Roy’s rural ride

From Charles Jackson

Sir: While enjoying Roy Hattersley’s bucolic rhapsodies (Life, 3 June) and wishing him well in his village Arcadia, I was reminded of those contemporary architects who proselytise modernism but opt to live in mellow Georgian rectories.

As one of the leading architects of the Left’s policies on (inter alia) crime, education and housing which over the past 40 years, we are assured, have been so successful, it is odd that Roy apparently now wishes to move out and settle in the Tory shires. Presumably, too, Labour voters in inner-city Birmingham will be gratified to hear that he dismisses their environment as ‘decaying’, especially when they recall that an entrenched Labour establishment has enjoyed almost untrammelled power there since the war.

Still, it is good that a few can still enjoy the traditional English country life, even if the masses are necessarily excluded. Might Roy even be persuaded to lend his support to his local hunt?

Charles Jackson Hyssington, Montgomery Wales