10 MARCH 1849, Page 20


ADMIRALTY, March 3.-The following promollonshave this day taken place, muse. quest upon the death of Vice-Admiral B. IL RosseC.B,--Vice-Admiraleff the Biee the Hon. G. Elliott. C.B. tote Vice-Admiral of the White; Rear-Admiral of the Red A. Duff to be Vice-Admiral of the Blue ; Rear-Admiral ef the White err W. A. 5- taco, C.B. K.C.H. to be Rear-Admiral of the lied; Rear-Admiral of the Blue C. J. Austin, C.B. to be Rear-Admiral of the White ; Captain sir A. P. Green, E.O.M. to be Rear.Admiral of the Blue.

ADMIRALTY, March 1.-Corps of Royal Marines-First Lieut. R. Hockings to be Cape vice Bence, deceasea ; Second Lieut. A. J. Stuart to be First Lieut. vice Rockiest, promoted.