10 MARCH 1866, Page 3

The Cambridge local examinations for girls in London, Brighton, Bristol,

Cambridge, and Sheffield have been a great success-76 went in for the senior examination and 50 for the junior, of whom 23 seniors (nearly 37 per cent.) and 8 juniors (just 16 per cent.) were rejected. Among the boys nearly 38 per cent. of the seniors and 22.3 of the juniors were rejected,—so the girls did, on the whole, better than the boys. The total number of girls, however, being so much smaller, the par-ceutage comparison must not be taken at quite decisive. The girls were very good. in arithmetic, only two juniors and one senior failing to pass it. Three junior girls attempted Latin, and all succeeded. Of nine senior girls who took it two failed. Thirty-five juniors, of whom none failed, and sixty-five seniors, of whom seven failed, took French. The examiners thought the senior girls and boys on a par in French, .but thought the junior girls better than the junior boys, who trust too much to Latin analogies in mastering French grammar. In drawing, the girls were much better than the boys,—one girl surpassing all the others in her colour sketch, which was, says the "examiner, " admirable." It is reported, moreover, that the girls worked steadily and in a businesslike way, without any sign of weariness, or any appearance of ill-effects of any sort. After all, these fair creatures do not seem to be quite so like Mrs. Wit- titterly, quite so much in danger of passing away with a breath, as some of our contemporaries feared.