10 MARCH 1888, Page 24

DIRECTORIES, ETC. — Official Year Book of the Church of England. (S.P.C.K.)—Every

item of information relative to dioceses, home and colonial missions, nursing institutions, schools, and the staff, lay and clerical, of the Established Church.—Church Work : Mission Life. (iVelle, Gardner, Marton, and Co.)—The first half of the work is devoted to Church matters and their pro- gress ; the second sums up the result of colonial missions.— Bible Work at Home and Abroad (Cassell and Co.), contains the twelve numbers of Bible Work for the past year.—The Catholic Directory (Barns and Oates), a register of the diocesan clergy, schools, convents, nursing institutions.—The Government Year-Book (T. Fisher FInwin), containing matters of interest relating to home, foreign, and colonial government, and a review of the chief occurenoes, national and international, for the past year.—The Shipping World (Shipping World Office), the year-book of commerce and navigation, with lists of shipping, ports, tariffs, freeboard, and tides.—The Merchandise Marks Act. By Howard Payn. (Stevens and Sons.)— This contains the text of, and an introduction to, the above Act, special attention being paid to the "Importation" section, and to patents and international agreement as to trade-marks.—The Advertising A. B. C. (T. B. Browne.)—This volume of some thousand pages mentions all the advertising mediums, home, colonial, and foreign.—Bell's Directory of Registered Telegraphic Addresses and Code. (Sell's Advertising Agency.)—The Advertiser's Guardian (Walter Hally-Burton), a collection of facts relating to advertise-

wants, newspapers, and stories of the trade.— The Calendar of the University College of Wales. (J. E. Cornish, Manchester.)—The liberal Year-Book. By E. A. Judges. (Simpkin, Marshall, and Co.) —This issue contains much useful information relative to the Liberal Party, but it must be taken cum prone.