10 MARCH 1888, Page 26


Archer (J. H. L.), The British Army, 8vo (G. Bell) 316

Brett (H.), The Cornet, 4to (Novelle) 2/0 Bridger (A. E ), Demon of Dyspepsia, or tiro (Sonnenschein) 4/6

Buchanan (11.), City of Dreams, 12mo (Matto & Windus) 610

Chaplin (J. G.). Th 'To Principles of Book-Keeping, or 8vo (S. Low) 26 Clough ( B ). Guide to Scholarship Examinations, or 8vo (Gill) 26

Drummond (J.), Philo-Judi-ens, 2 vols. five (Williams & Norgate) 21 0

Fife (M. B), In fr enoran, or 8vo (Oliphant) 2 6 Gerard (EA, Land Beyond the Fo-est, 2 vols. 8vo (W. Blackwood) 23/0 Glaister ( E ), Bernard and Marcia, 3 vols. Hurst & Blackett) 31 6

Gordon (C. (1.1, Letters to his Sister, or 8vo (Macmillan) 7.'6

Hoey (C.), Stern Chase, or 8vo (S. Low) 6/0 Keats (J.), Poetical Works, edited by W. T. Arnold, cr 8vo (C. K. Paul) 3/6 Keller (J. A.), S.iint Joseph's Help, 12mo (R. Washbourne) 30 Kennard (E.), Real Good Thing, or 8vo (F. V. White) 3/6

King's RV:140m, A, or 8vo (Pawsey) 2,6

Lowell (J. It.), Heartsease and Rue, 12mo (Macmillan) 50 Merchant (W. T.), In Praise of Ale, cr svo (Redway) 10/6 Markham (C. R.), Fighting Vete% Svc, (S. Low) 18/0 Morris (W.), Dream of John Ball, 16mo (Reeves & Turner) 4/6 Oakeshott (G. J.), Detail and Ornament of the Italian Renaissance (Batsford) 32/0 Oliver (J.), Notes on the Diseases of Women, 8vo (Hirschfield) 7/6

Pulley (J. J.), Inorganic, and Organic Qualitative Analysis, 12mo (Gill) 3.0 Salmoni (C. A.), Princetoniana, cr 8vo (Oliphant) 316

Saunders (J.), Raygarths Gladys, and other Poems, 12mo (T. Laurie) 3/6 Shearwood (J.), A Short History of Russia, or 8vo (Reeves & Turner) 2/0 Swan (A. S.), Doris Cheyne, or 8:o (Oliphant) 3/6 Topley (Wo, Geological Map of Europe, 18mo (Oxford Univ. Press) 5,0 Whitelaw (T.), The Gospel of St. John, 8vo (Maclehose) 14/0 Wilmot (A.), Poetry of South Africa, cr 8vo (S. Low) 6/0 Winter (J. S.), Garrison Gossip, cr 8vo (F. V. White) 2/0