10 MARCH 1923, Page 1

The French have occupied the harbours of Mannheim and Karlsruhe

and the station and Customs offices of Darmstadt. They have been extremely active in the already occupied area. We quote the admirable sum- mary of their operations from the Times :— • " Little by little the German administrative organization is being eliminated from the Ruhr. The number of the occupying troops has been increased, and-their functions are being enlarged ; the German police are being ejected ; German Officials have been removed in hundreds. The multifarious economic activities of the region are being curtailed in order that they may be diverted to new purposes. At the same time the administration of the whole Rhineland is being modified. . The railways have been brought under French and Belgian control. Commerce has been restricted through the operation of a new Customs barrier. Occupa- tion, which means little more than supervision, has given place throughout the area formerly and recently occupied to direct administration of the affairs of an alien and hostile population."

If anyone wishes for a really informing account of .French methods in an occupied territory they should read the official report on the Saar territory- which the Manchester Guardian of Monday published in full.