10 MARCH 1928, Page 39


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Mr. Basil Maine in his recent article on Music says that the Handel Society " seem to have forsworn for ever the composer it has pressed into its service." He is evidently not aware that the Handel Society performed Hercules at the Palladium only a few weeks ago ; Part I. of Semele at the Kingsway Hall in December, 1926 ; and Samson at Queen's Hall in April, 1925.—I am; Sir, &c., P. G. L. WEBB, Hon. Sec., Handel Society.

12 Lancaster Gate Terrace, W.%


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Mr. W. D. Nash asks whether the words, " the true history of Columbus, who never set foot in America," were spoken by the late Seilor Ibanez or whether they expressed my own opinion. Most certainly, they were his words, spoken emphatically.

The story of Columbus is included in the third volume of his historical novels, En Busca del Gran Kan, which bears the secondary title, Cristobal Colon. Only two of these novels have, as yet, been on sale in England, El Papa del Mar and 21 Los Pies de Venus.—I am, Sir, &c., BEATRICE ERSKINE.