10 MARCH 1933, Page 13


The recruiting of farmers of that type should be encouraged by the new activities of the C.P.R.E. This ingenious Council has arranged for the last week-end of March a conference on agriculture and preservation—the two are essentially con- nected—at the Bonar Law College at lovely Ashridge. The meeting, of course, is entirely unconnected with politics. About 130 people can be accommodated, and each is charged £2 to cover complete expenses from March 24th to 27th. All details may be learnt from the C.P.R.E., Great Marl- borough Street, or from the Secretary, Ashridge, Herts. It is worth notice as a sign of the times that the Women's In- stitutes—note the astonishing success of, their new market stalls—as well as the C.P.R.E. are emphasizing constructive husbandry: The revivifying of country life should depend on the prosperity of its chief industry ; and that is becoming more congenial to the woman, as to the gentleman farmer, so called, thanks to the coming of electricity and the machine. The point will be emphasized at the Ashridge week-end. • * *