10 MAY 1834, Page 2

In the French Chamber of Deputies, the Doctrinaires have suf-

fered a partial defeat. Their estimate for Algiers has been cut down from 400,000 to 150,000 francs ; in other words, the mighty saving of 10,000/. has been effected by the economical Chamber.

Some stockjobbing Deputies are extremely indignant at the use made by members of the Government of their exclusive possession of the telegraph. It seems that a rise in the British Funds at the -close of last week was known in Paris many hours before intelli- gence was received by express, and very profitable bargains were made by some parties. It was of course immediately surmised that the news had been conveyed by telegraph, and concealed from all but a favoured few ; and the Government was threatened with an examination into the aftair. The Ministerial journals utterly deny the truth of the imputation ; but then, how did the news arrive in so marvellously short a time ?

It is positively stated that M. RUMANN, the Finance Minister, will retire from office as soon as the approaching elections have terminated.