10 MAY 1834, Page 9

The Committee of the House of Commons, who have reported

in favour of voting 5000/. to Captain Ross, thus describe the rewards which the other parties engaged in the expedition have received; front which it would seem that none have any cause to complain.

" it appears by a memorandum delivered in to your C millee by the Ailmiralt y. that • till the men have received double full pay until they finally :abandoned their stair :Ind fell pay after that until their arrival in Englund, ant...1111111111R 1.1 the gross stun of 470•0/.; that they have besides been employed in eligible situations hi Gm duck - yards, in placed in others that will lead to promotion ; ' that Mr. Abet netliy, the gun. tier, 'has been promoted, and appointed to the Seritigapatam ; ' that Mr. Tho perser. • has been appointed to the lucrative situation of purser of the Canopus, of di guns ; that Mr. M•Diarmill, the medical officer of the expedition, ' NIS assis- t ant-surgeon of the Navy. and. v■ hen qualified to pass his examination. %I ill be 111-11. muted to the rank of surgeon that Commander Ross, to whom it appears that the greater part of the scientific results of the expeditior are due, • has been placed on full pay, and appointed Commander of the Victory for twelve months, that he may by that length of service Ile enabled to receive the rank of Post Captain. w hich is by a special minute of the Admiralt y insuted to him at the expiration of that time; ' anal th.kt Captain Julio Humphreys, of the Isabella, to whose persevering humanity alone Cap- tain Ross and his party, haler Providence, in :ill prubabiliq UM. their lives, has re- ceived that remuneration for the expense of bringing them home is laic:t, lull, consi- deration, has been thought proper by the Admiralty, and it hick :ippeirs Ii,)our Com- mittee to be a reasonable compensation."

It is a fact not commonly known, that guineas, which have now for nearly twenty years ceased to form part of the circulation, still exist in the boards of private individuals to a very large amount ; which may be inferred from the circumstance that from 300 to 400, art; on the average, daily paid into the Bank, to be exchanged for notes or sovereigns. Most of these guineas are nearly twee; or in a very perfect state. The inference is, that they were originally laid by during the distrust and apprehension excited by the Bank restriction, and are now brought out again by a greater degree of confidence in the Government, or by' the death or testamentary disposition of the individuals concerned. It is estimated by good judges, that at the period of the Bank restriction, there existed gold ie the country to the amount of 30,000,000/. nearly all of which disappeared from circulation ; so that the tide above de- scribed may continue to flow for a very long time to come. The fact is the more worth notice at this time, since it is one of the causes, among many others now in progress, of the great increase of the circu- lation.— Team

Mr. Henry Price, a soap manufacturer, in Prince's Square, Rutcliffe Highway, was charged at Queen Square Office, on Wednesday, with cutting and stabbing Mr. Thomas Williams, an oil-manufacturer, of of York Row, Kennington Road. Mr. Williams, who was brought to the Office in a cab to give evidence, fainted, and was taken home. One of his shopmett then stated, that the prisoner had called on Mr. IVillianis on Tuesday, to demand payment of a debt ; which he had not the money to discharge, but requested a fortnight's delay. This the prisoner refused, and called Mr. Williams a rascal and a thief. Some further eltercation ensued ; and the prisoner taking up a large pair of shears which lay on the counter, struck him violently in the face, and knocked him down. The Magistrates refosed to accept, bail and the assailant was removed in custody.

It is calculated that Ram e are not more than fifteen grandees of Spain who have the stipulated revenue of 209,000 reels free from ad mortgages or legal liens, to qualify them for a seat in the Chamber of 1'1'04:Tres ; ,r they are almost all in debt, and constantly sued by their creditors.

Kean's villa at Bute, has been sold for IOW/. to Mr. Curie, of Carle &Intl Radom.

Three Baronies in Queen's County tire to be put under the Coer- cionAct.