10 MAY 1834, Page 9

The vacancy on the Scottish Bench, occesioned by the death

of Lord Craigie, will be filled up in due time by the translation of I.ord Advocate Jeffrey. Mr. J. A. Murray will int the new Lord Advo- cate • and as, notwithstanding his party connexions, he has ectr•d on the whole a Liberal rather than at Whig part in the House of Commons, there is little reason to doubt his reelection for Leith. Brit the diffi- culty lies in proeuring a successur to Mr. Jeffrey in the represuntation of Edinburgh. Some one must be found who will not take Mr. Jeffrey for his Parlianientary model ; for it is certain, that if eircunistamms should render it necessary for that gentleman again to solicit the suffrages of his constituents, he would not be returned. Tlw Govern- ment people have been hinting, thaw it would be very egrecable to get their Attorney. General, Sir John Campbell, aecumniodated at Edinburgh.

At a meeting of' the Presbytery of Edinburgh, on Wednesday sennight, Mr. Balfour moved a resolution to overture the General As- sembly to take steps for the repeal of Queen Anne's Act relating to church patronage; which having been seconded, Dr. Somerville moved that "as HO arguments could be adduced from Scripture against patron- age," it was unnecessary to overture the General Assembly for the repeal of the act relating thereto. On the motions being put to the vote, there were—for Mr. Balfour's, 13; for Dr. Somerville's, the; majority in favour of church patronage, 9. [ We have great fidth in the Doctor's gun ; less in his theological polities. Could he adduce any argument from Scripture in favour of patronage ? Parodying the reply of Lady Teazle to Joseph Surface in the comedy, the advocates of' patronage had " better leave Scripture out of the question."]