10 MAY 1845, Page 2

An odd manceuvre has been effected by M. Thiers in

the French Chamber of Deputies. The laws against the Jesuits have not been enforced for many years ; the 'brotherhood have re- entered the land, spread abroad,- and increased their substance. Suddenly, the statesman who is at once historian and dealer in materials for history loudly denounees the order, and pe- remptorily calls upon Ministers to enforce the laws. Ministers demur. M. Thiers then moderates his tone, and lets the Govern- ment off with a resolution in which the Chamber declare their confidence that Ministers will enforce the laws ; to which the Cabinet assent ! Did the ex-placeman meditate a blow against his rivals and then repent ? or was he bought off? or was it the pure love of pragmatical display, instigating him to cry out, " Ohl you naughty boys ! " and then say, patronizingly, "There—go and be good for the future " ? Or is he going to write a book about the Dynasty of July, and wants to give the incidents a particular turn—to write himself down as the final exterminator of the Jesuits ? Who shall say. Whatever his motive, the hubbub he raised had the effect of exhausting the moral electricity of the Chamber ; so that the debate on arming the fortifications found it quite listless and tranquil.