10 MAY 1845, Page 2

The Indian mail has promising news for those who speculate

on the "consolidation "- of our territory in Hindostan. The Punjaub thrives in anarchy ; and the anarchs seem so well matched, that even revolution and civil war do not lead to the order of victorious tyranny. The several influences totter in the balance ; and whichever goes down is likely enough to make a plausible claim on British intervention, fully prepared in the shape of an army of observation on the frontier. Orwalior is in a like ferment, only not so far advanced. And the Portuguese state of Goa has committed itself to some kind of negative pro- tection for the rebels of Sawunt Warree, flying from British troops ; reminding everybody how much the worthless Por- tuguese authority is in the way. There are rumours that the British were to purchase the territory.