10 MAY 1856, Page 12

Peaintat Tfisevarcets.

There have been almond revivals lately in the -French metropolis. The debut of Mademoiselle 'Celine Hugon, a new tragic actress, at the Theatre Francais, has brought to light the almost forgotten Britannicus of Racine, in which she plays " Agrippina." .La Joie fait Pour has been reproduced at the same house ; Mademoiselle Nathalie taking the part of " Madame Desaubiers," formerly played by the late Madame Allan Despreaux. At the Porte St. Martin, the drama.. Salvator Rosa has been revived, for the sake of DI. Melingue, who is at present engaged there. At the Varietes, a new troop of Spanish dancers, headed by a lady

named Cristina Mendez, is making a sensation. •