10 MAY 1856, Page 15


THE grand net totals of the loss or gain by the late contest, to. each party in the Paris Conference, may be tabulated. Turkey. Termination of Mussulman tyranny over Christians. The strip of Bessarabian territory. A place in the European system. France. A place for Napoleon III. among the potentates. A voice iu

the dictatorship of Europe.

England. Removal of commercial obstructions in the Black Sea, and, perhaps in the Baltic. Extension of trade with Russia. Austria. Loss of position. Complications in Italy. .Prussia. Reduction to secondary place in the Conference of European. -Powers.

Sardinia. A position among the Powers of Europe. An European auk- port in Italy. Sweden: Dismantling of the Aland fortifications and military establish.* 'tient& Russia. Loss of protectorate in Turkey, of the Danube bank, of **- Aland fortifications, of military position in the East, of European dic- tatorship.

Fiasco of Peter the Great encroachment policy. Institution of Alexander the Second peace and commerce policy.

Europe gains enlargement of commercial rights during war, and provision for arbitration in certain cases rice war. With respect to the individual states, there is a direct ratio between the loss or gain, and the moral deserts of each state as the upholder of public law or the reverse. The fortune of war is unusually in harmony with poetical justice.