10 MAY 1913, Page 1

The Daily Telegraph, in its issue of Friday, states that

the assent of all the Great Powers and also of Turkey has now been given to the draft treaty of peace. Though the Allies have not yet replied, it is believed that they will all agree except Greece, who is holding out till she gets more definite indications as to the fate of the Islands and also as to the Southern Albanian frontier. Though this is a difficulty, we do not believe it will prove insuperable. Greece is very ably led just now, and we are quite sure that her chief statesman does not want to create friction between Greece and the whole of the Great Powers as well as the Balkan Allies. Any one of-the Allies who now seriously impeded a European settle-

ment would be placed not only under the political but under the financial ban of Europe. Everybody, for the time at any rate, wants a little peace and quiet.