10 MAY 1935, Page 1


THE spontaneity and depth of the enthusiasm pro- -L- yoked by the Silver. Jubilee celebrations have exceeded all .dxpeciations and tranSe'encle& all precedent. That the scenes of Accession Pay are -.unforgettable is merely a trite platitude. -• Not OnlY they not fade from Men-lark, but it is- hard to resist the -conviction that they will leave some permanent 'mark on the minds and characters ,ot-ihis. generation of :King .Geeirge's subjects • throughout the --En-10re. If that is true it will be due in a dbirble'Sense tO the King himself. He' Was• , Of course, the centre and the 'tail* of the 'whole .great feStival, and ' the .fact that it Was On him and the Queen that the thoughts and anxieties - of Britons ever3rwhere were fixed". secured fiirikihi an- audience such aS no man on eirth: has ever enjoyed when his own words were carried at night into millions of homes by the marvellous invention brought to maturity during his reign. . If the effect of the Silver Jubilee celebrations is to be summarized in a sentence it, may be defined as a notable broadening and deepening of the sense of unity between the peoples and the individuals of the Empire. Such a consciousness may in a Measure be evanescent. It may not outlast the generation that 'experienced it.' But the King, with his native wisdom,- did all he could in his wireless talk to capture the Minds and the imagination of youth and childhood with whom the future lies, addressing them in direct and simple words, touched. by an inevitable human emotion 'designed to appeal at once to heart and mind. The appeal will not be; made in vain. A speech at once of -dedication and Of inspiration was the King's crowning contribution to a historic . day. It left- a whole Empire moved: ,