10 MAY 1935, Page 26


[To the Editor of Tine SPECTATOR.] do not think it can have occurred to you that many persons in Scotland must feel resentful at the title of your article in the issue of The Spectator of May 3rd, entitled "Queen Mary of England." Quite frankly, when I read the heading I supposed I was going to sec some fresh light thrown on the history of Mary Tudor, though it did strike me that the present was a curious moment to select for shedding that light. But it immediately appeared that your article refers to our present gracious Queen Mary, who (no doubt) is Queen of England, though that is not her proper title. A very little consideration would make. it clear to you that we Scots, who are surely entitled to some considera- tion in the matter, naturally feel aggrieved at phrases such as occur in the course of the article, "Queen of England,r "King. of England." Granted- that England is the pre- dominant partner, your writer deals with the Queen as a great functionary of the Empire, and :to Britain itself, and the title and phrases of which I complain really tend to belittle and make parochial her splendid services to all Britain and to the British King.—Yours, WILLIAM GEORGE SYN.

4 Grosvenor Street, Edinburgh, 12.