10 MAY 1935, Page 27


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.'

this twenty-fifth year of His Majesty's reign, whet" so many will be showing a practical interest in the well-being of Youth, I am appealing for St. *John's School, Leatherhead, of which I am Visitor.

. Funds are urgently needed to enable this school to continue the work of educating, eit her free , Or assisted, the sons of our clergy, throughout the land, thus relieving, as it has done for over eighty years, many homes of a heavy burden of anxiety.

In their last five reports, the Board of Education drew attention to the adverse conditions under which science is taught, and to the fact that there are no rooms for indoor recreation.

The Council, accordingly, in 1033, issued an appeal, which I commended, for 130,000, to erect a new block of builLings, to consist of science laboratories with modern equipment, lecture rooms, assembly hall, and recreation rooms. A ready response from those closely interested, has already resulted in donations amounting to 113,000.

May I, therefore, earnestly ask :- (1) Those who regularly support the school, to continue to do so, and to commemorate this Jubilee Year by adding a donation to the Building Fund.

(2) Those who have never supported this great work either to become regular subscribers, or, to send a donation, ear- marked, for the General Funds, or for the Building Fund.

Any contribution which you may be disposed to make may be sent to the Secretary, 75 Victoria Street, S.W. 1, who will apprise me of your gifts.—Yours truly,