10 NOVEMBER 1832, Page 14

A musical piece has been brought out at Covent Garden,

under the melodramatic title of the Dark Diamond. It is a farrago of nonsense and brigand heroics, without any point of merit, except what is adventitious. The scenery was imposing; the music, by M. ADAM, showy ; and the dancing good. With these aids, and the additional attraction of ELLEN TREE, Miss SHIRREFF, and HARRIET CAWSE in male attire, the play was allowed to be announced, in accordance with the loudly-expressed wishes of the manager's friends. It will soon make way for, we hope, something better. In the mean time, we throw out a hint to YATES, that a burlesque of the Brigand-mania would be likely to tell. It might be called "The Black Diamond." Coal-heavers are quite as pic- turesque characters as brigands, and more amusing. EUCKSTONE could do it capitally. We can fancy how JOHN* REEVE would look in short gaiters and a flap-tailed cap, as the "Black Diamond and with what gusto he would sing of the "coal-black wine, swigging at a pot of porter in the pauses of the song. We pass over the performance of the new tragedian, 1VIr.BUT. LER, as the Dark Diamond,a chief of eondottieri, because it is not only unworthy of his ability, but out of his line—at least so it appeared by his acting. We shall be glad to see this gentleman in a part more suited to his talents. He is to perform Marc An- thony on Monday. We are promised a great treat at this theatre in a few day.s. SHERIDAN KNOWLES is announced to appear as William Tell, in his own play; with ELLEN TREE as the wife of Tell, and little POOLE as their son. We shall be greatly mistaken if this per- formance do not raise the author's fame as an actor. The rug- gedness of his style will become the hardy mountaineer well; while his strong sympathy with the character, and the conge- niality of his feeling, will give to the touches of domestic pathos theirtrue value. He could not be better supported than by ELLEN TREE; and little POOLE has made the part of his son her own.