10 NOVEMBER 1838, Page 19

We are happy to reeold au instance ot liberality 011

the part of the Committee of the Institution of Fine Arts at Nea7cast1e, w ho, says a correspondent, " hist- resolved to open the eallibition of pictures body to ILL. winking classes, timing the first week in November; the conduct of the people at the Natural I fistary Soviety's Muaettm—where, for some time past. Ill orethan a thousand a week, comprising hundreds of cutters, market. people, eee. have lesorted, without the least rni,chief occurring—haviii4 satisfied the Committee that pictures may safely be submitted to the inspection of. the thdustrions poor.''_ To be sure ! I-ICI e is an example that ought to he imitated in London. Sir Alater IN SHIA: may slicer az the " coallwavers "—who, by the by, would quiz Ids smirking portlaits unmercifully ; but if the " keelintat '' of' the Tyne Call appreciate stud, a gratification, surely their sable brethren of the Thames are uhigiluc to a similar treat. The experiment has been tried at oile end of tin' National Gallery; why not at the other ?—because of the "silky i"—aillanie: