10 NOVEMBER 1838, Page 5

In our eeeteel diiien last week, brief mention was made

of a 1-e-ext: the Castle Inn, Tomworth. An inquest was held on Saturday, or. rar.r In our eeeteel diiien last week, brief mention was made of a 1-e-ext: the Castle Inn, Tomworth. An inquest was held on Saturday, or. rar.r

bodies of six female servants, who ev, re leirnt to death. It apy

from the evhleileo, the t the fire had originated in a floe of theit room. The fl:inles spread with FtiCh rapidity, that the inmates of ht..e house who first 4h-covered tine fire, escaped with much difficulty er-.41 with the assistance of persons eutside, from their bedroom-wind/sir.... The barmaid was found "burnt to a cinder," on the first lantl'ace The other five servants, who slept in ate attic-, were suffocated in bed. The verdict was "accidental death." A woman, who bad formex7 been servant at the inn went on Saturday to see the dead bodies ; We-nit home dieadfally ;hocked, mid died in half an hour.

On Thursday forenoon, a quantity of gonpawder, in Mr. Use:. e powder.tnills, at °are, Hear Faversham exploded ; and three ireese employed in the mill were killed, and heir bodies so mutilated, tiene tiny coald scarcely be recognized. Another rson sowing Move the time of the exylositin in a field, fifty yards ft ena the mill, wee :+:4-

rally cut itt two !,y s;,:ne of the fregeeents of the building. 1: t cottages :aid other i.e.:lois:2s in the neig,hbourhood was more or shattered.

Tweely. flee mem employed on the Pip-in-flub Breakwater, •-e ei drowned en Wedaw•day afternoon, in attempting to ri turn i:: boat from the Illeak..vater to C it..vater. A heavy squall Neste, boat ; und though several boats put cli to rescue them, ['lane sated. Thi! !In:a :leated aehere bottom upwards. Hundreds - sees on the shore the poor felltees strugeling for their lives en water; and the shticks of the widows and children of the eicceakel were most distressiog.

Toesdey eveninz, ant ineoest was held at Leamington, on :roe corre of Air. Henry 'John Brabazott, a gentleman of' f. urn mimic, retat to the Eerl of Meeth and Sir William Betbazon. Mr. Brabazoe leel!

been hit; tieg Teceday mornittg, aed after his return house a

out. Soon efteriverde, he wae foutel by a post-boy, lying in a sleteleak bro::.T., vitt: scmmil. SL:vc:n1 witnesses swore that Me. Brabezoee war pen feetly chi:I:et:A to till appeaeutee, ..vhent at home. 'The Jury re- turned a rem nut-'—" Found drowned ; but trona what cause, there is /.ea evidenee lo .fore the Jury."

An inquest was held at Chatham on Wednesday evening, on t:Sc

body of !toss, a marine, killed on the 27t1n October in affray he- tween the soldiers of the Sixty.scventh and Seventy-fourth Regimeaee: and a patty of Merinos. Eleven solliere are charged with being cipals in the condiet. The marines were unarmed ; but the soldieze hal bludgeons. 'Pee inquest was adjmtrsted to Muuday next.

Bloeksage, the nem who was suspected of the murder near Gio‘saii• lots been discharge-I, these being no evidence against him. Sitcrinfir: now falls on an Irish:rem, Michael Mooney.

A pertion of the embankment of the Birmingham Railway, rem Leighton Buzzard, forty miles from London, gave way on Thursday night, owing to the flooded state of the country; and yesterday marr- ing the train was overturned at that place, and some carriages 1110.C. a., The passeugers escaped without serious injury; but were delayed or. their journey about four Lours.