10 NOVEMBER 1838, Page 5

(Lig Cautitni. (Lig Cautitni.

The success of the Liberals at the Liverpool Municipal election, was signal. Out of 4S Councillors, 32 are Liberals, and 16 Tories. Add the 16 Aldermen, who are all Reformers, and there is a total ma. jority of 32-19 to 16—in the Council.

A letter from Leeds mentions, that the result of the Municipal elec- tion has sorely disappointed the AVIlige-10 Tories and 6 Liberals having been elected. The Leeds burgesses are tired of their new rulers, and, like other men, fond of finding fettit. So, in a pet, they are putting in Tories, by way of a change, or revenge. It is added, however, that apart from such motives, the Liberals are disheartened and disgusted with the conduct of the Ministrry, and a general election would find them all at loggerheads. It is at Leeds as in most other places.

There have been meetings of the working men at Bolton, Rochdale, and Preston, within these few days. At Preston, Feargus O'Connor announced his intention of being a candidate to represent that place at the next election.

The Dorset Chronicle says that "the organization of the labouring classes, that commenced elsewhere, is extending considerably amongst the agricultural population " of Dorsetshire.

Mr. Paulton, employed by the Manchester Anti-Corn-law Associa- tion, has been lecturing at Bolton.