10 NOVEMBER 1894, Page 3

The appeal of the proprietors of the Empire Theatre against

the decision of the County Council refusing to renew its license unless certain changes were made in the structure of the building, was on Thursday dismissed with costs by Mr. Justice Charles and Mr. Justice Wright, who held that all the grounds submitted for considering that the London County Council had exceeded its powers in thus acting, had completely broken down. It had been maintained that some members of the County Council had acted both as accusers and as Judges in the matter,--first accusing the Empire Theatre of allowing improper arrangements, and then taking part in judging the case and refusing the license. It was proved that Mr. Edwardes had been completely misinformed on this point, and that thie gross irregularity had not taken place; therefore the appeal was dismissed, the London County Council having discharged the responsibilities enforced upon it by the Act in a perfectly legitimate manner. We cannot regret that the almost deliberate attempt made to overwhelm the decisions of the County Council by cries of popular disgust, has thus completely failed. Whether that decision were judicious or not is comparatively unimportant. That it was really judicial and that it has now been confirmed by the highest judicial authority is the important element in the case.