10 NOVEMBER 1906, Page 1

The effective ruler of Morocco is still Raisuli. He has

settled himself in Arzila, where he is hunting for lost property and restoring confidence, and has announced. that he will not leave till he is formally appointed Basha. Meanwhile in Tangier his men have constituted themselves the guardians of order, and arrest prisoners without the sanction of the Makhzan officials. Last Saturday they seized the pump-house of the Spanish Electric Light Company, who bad refused to pay them blackmail, and plunged the town into darkness,—an act in flagrant violation of all treaties. On Monday the French cruiser ` Galilee ' arrived at the harbour, and when her launch attempted to land it was bombarded with stones by the mob. Lawlessness in Morocco has evidently.reached a climax. The Sultan's officials are powerless to restrain either Raisuli or the mob. Raisuli has authority, but exercises it for illegitimate purposes, while the mob, as in the • Galilee' incident, are being allowed to cultivate their anti-foreign proclivities. It is clearly incumbent on France and Spain, whose ships are now lying at Tangier, to take immediate steps to organise the police and re-establish order.