10 NOVEMBER 1967, Page 9


. . the reason why newspaper managements have been able to have their backs against the wall without reading the writing on it.' (Clive Irving, The Times, 4 November.)

They might try using a Mirror, of course.

`Mr Wilson is a believer in the counter-pro- ductive theory of politics, though it is difficult to see where and how he can be immediately reactive to Leicester, Hamilton and Gorton.' (James Margach, Sunday Times, 5 November.) It is, perhaps, rather easier to feel reactive about the counter-productive theory of jour- nalism.

'This colonial aura is why the Nationalists gain votes and have now won a seat. The late Tom Johnston could dispel the aura because he was Tom Johnston . (Guardian editorial, 4 November.) Actually, he was Tom Fraser. (And. happily, former rather than late.) 'It would be harsh to call the new 'Strategy for the South East foolish, foolish to call it wise.' (Daily Telegraph editorial, 2 November.) 'The basic design . . . corresponds closely to the pattern proposed in the Daily Telegraph Magazine's special issue of last March.' (Peter- borough,' Daily Telegraph, 2 November.) Nice to see a little self-criticism in Fleet Street, anyway.