10 OCTOBER 1840, Page 2

The eL l,r, - 1 Mayor f:r the City of London terminated


TUUS!itty, ;he Livcry are concerned. The numbers who voted each day, ..,17!: excel...IDA of Monday, incre.:sed the majorities of Alderines ie sod. Join. sn. Oa Monday it was expected that the

friends .1: •,71 it have mustered strongly. This ex- r• - e punned, toi the majority against hint was • i t..t g...oss numbers on the final close of the –Ph.] is 2.741 ; Johnson, 2,713; Harmer, 2,294 ; , ;se: sitaority of 447, and Alderman Johnson

pectatm., but siir" poll ea . which e.,,e; .1

a majority nt. ; A ble;anan Harmer. When the numbers had been announce,: nu Ttseley, "olr. Harmer came forward, as on each

precedimr day, to m;.;ry,s rim Livery. lie said he had been defeated,

but not di • - • 1. M. tstr.ri.,:t. • d 11:- defeat partly to the circumstance a

the inter,-- • -• oth a;.!s having been united against hint :

had he e• I \title eitliQf ofo.,.: diem single, he should have not feared the result • 1 r, " it was not that alone that i had to contend agaite4t. ffL t t. • House of bath against me ; the clergy- men 1: 1' ! r Inc, and in private vilified me; hat, above :• . .•..i i r i•v:rting all their talents and energies again -.4 is L.,- 01.'71. 1.011 and di-graceful slanders against my reputati.u. 1,:ei to i a;;aiirit all manner Or 1111SrltpreitAlta1.10/1; and an;,,,t Lai, ',LI:, a Iint:) pl,lie life and unsolli•••1 reputation to rely

upon to -- r:i.,thty powers which have heen raised to

cru-,:. • t';• r :ore, 1,:osi ._fratit. log to ewe, under oil 111090 1:11,711111.. eta:, t'.. I I, It a po 11111111 61111011. DO you think that any ow; of me eeses e • ,i I fact' nee, Si well out of such an or !1_,,t1 as I have gone ( ,•.. ,!I• ! " (tad a mule/mat hustheys cried, • . ) 11:tri iicar me says, not••1 When ha..., I:,• ,annot I.; the gentleman 1.11,:t.•- 1 t ' 1 ..• . of all that lei, heen said of me."

If tnnl; •!. The individied who cried " No per- ees•I rroot of the liusti.w.s, n. ■. cries of " There's the A Her- , ast t,, !,y to his fee:" At length, by order was restored; alai Mr. ft...ruler I, t 11 r!!/11,t111:4 11101 collie


olatioi, of that. opinion. "

Lo al!. 1, ot,;:l.■, op/too:I to . • !•:,t it ear to the • n: Ian.' li the e gentlemen had ,,, I W0.111 hay, .1 to them, that ,,rd, it 10 ; .t t■t. ft! tio.it.

to !

tar in

, '•'• 1.- 004 asked we, I . • all the iallilerirc I orthate artkles uje.li Mr. Harmer also disclaimed having any ambition to occupy the civic chair ; and protested against being supposed to be amused by the trap. pings and paraphernalia of office. He then alluded to the desertion those friends at the election upon whose support he relied ; and eon, eluded by a pathetic farewell and a wish for the happiness of the sac, cessful eandi late. In the latter part of his address, he is said to hare appeared to be "much affected."

Sir. Meek attempted to address the Livery ; but he was received will, such uproar and confusion as to render it impassible for hint to says word. After standing for a few minutes on the platform, and finding that the uproar increased instead of diminished, he pointed signilleaatIr at the board, swayed his hat round three times, and disappeared auti4 loud hisses.

Mr. Deputy Stevens said be saw no cause for the opponents of Alder- man Harmer to triumph. as he had polled more of the Livery than the four Liberal Parliamentary representatives of the City had done at the lust election.

Mr. Richard Taylor condemned the opposition that had been male by Mr. Meek and his friends to Alderman Harmer under the cloak of religion. He gave the Alderman the character of being, "to the heart's core," an honest, good, kind man ; one of the most valuable of the City Magistrates; and a man not one hundredth part of' whose virtues are known.

The I.ivery then adjourned. Ott Wednesday, the Sheriffs and other City-officers went to Guildhall to cast up and flirmally announce the poll.

The Times states that inquiries have been instituted concerninsf frauds alleged to have been practised by some of Alderman Hartner's friends in the course of Tuesday. One person in whose name a vote was given, denies having been at the hall ; and two others are said to be uot on the Livery-lists.

The whole number of the Livery, recently registered as residing within seven miles, is 8,114. Of these a considerable number may be reckoned as dead, others absent, and some twice registered : a proper allowance on these grounds may leave about 7,000 to 7,300 to poll. Of these about 5,100 have actually polled, or nearly five-sevenths of the whole.