10 OCTOBER 1840, Page 5


The Glasgow Constitutional states that in the recent registration for the Falkirk District of Burghs, the Conservatives have gained 67 votes. On Thursday, a public meeting was held in Hope Street Church, Glasgow, for the purpose of establishing a society in connexion with the society formed in June last in London (at which Prince Albert pre- sided) for the extinction of the Slave-trade and the Civilization of Africa. Among those present were the Marquis of Breadalbane, (who presided.) Lords Monteagle, Sandon, and Teignmouth ; Sirs T. Bris- bane., C. Ferguson, D. Brewst.T. J. -AnNeill, J. Rennie, and \V. J. I looker ; the Lord Provost ; Protessor null, of Edinburgh, and Pro- fessor Dewar, of Aberdeen ; Mr. G. Wood, ; Dr. M'Lav, and Mr. Gurley, of New York ; Reverend Mr. 'Fraser, of New Brunswick ; the Reverend Dr. Cook, of Quebec ; Mr. Alexander Smollett, of Bonhill; Mr. W. Campbell, hf Duma at Castle ; and it number of the gentry and clergy of the neiOthourho.,1. Lord -Alonteagle addressed the meeting at considerable length ; he was tidlowcd by the Reverend Mr. Buchanan, Captain Washington, 11.N., Lord Teignmouth, the Reverend. Mr. Montgomery, Mr. Wenlys Anderson, (it ineniher of the House of Assembly in Janeli..a.) Sir John Mr. Leadlietter, Captain Wil- liam Allen, R.N.. Sir T. Brisbane. and Dr. Dewar ; anal a variety of re- solutions were agreed to.

Last Sabbath, Mr. Abram Duncan, of Chartist notoriety, held forth to

a body of Chartists and others vvlo curiosity lied gathered tozether, in a ball in St. Marimek's Stu, et. Ahram delivered three sennte,-, and dispensed the ordinaece of ba:aisen to several youne Chareists. A number of Chants; oeaturs, it api ears. have betaken t!:','..." '. the

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