10 OCTOBER 1840, Page 6

War, it seems, has at length ;actually commenced in the

Levant. The intelligence first reached Lone et in the followine telegraphic despatch, received by the French ;Government-

e3I•frs,Pleg. (ad ,her " Malta; Sfpemb, r 27.—The Prometheus, which left Beyroat on the 20th, announces that, after it boin!,-,Iment of nine days, whirls reduced the town to ashes, the Egyptians evactim: the town in the night, sad the Allies took pos- session of it.

"The Oriental, which ',pi::: ft .d.d•-; anirla on the 2 dinitiam that the finnan deposing IMehein: t All. co moo:di...do ,1 int tlie 21s1 to Wei Highness by the Consals-C ozz 'et Pourers ; who instantly :struck their flags, and retired on lamed their shipping.

" Ibreetor of the Telegraph, 1,,,(1(.07;."

This firmant was is, 1 ;1:s le, 1:th of ea eesie es.i, pent The accounts F.rive !•••■,'

operations before ,!

ford anchored in tho ball; ; • 2 moole gre'tle- :;.1.,haste_ 1s.tt the news front A le sandri the rejection by the ie.se., ;11 the ul elle:-

turn of the SnItan and thc Four Powers, He 11111 Commodore N;q.1-; 0,/.• was determine." to laelot lae ii: of

the Turkish trooie Th II sei:it fleet soon utter appeared in sight, and the Egyptian I '. !brining on ti s ''salt of late', vest of the town to oes eI esli es The correspondent or the .3,7,/,,iny Chronicle at the Dr.h. •. the foii,v,- ing animated ...;;,;; :t ••• U•i,T l-v,.'11P+—

1,1J.1" have thi eul into columas

• ship to the to lire mom 10-cry-body leit, el the entral.e Commander .Tali .• plan a.

last evening, was this : the Turkish finis brushed meth was ordered to 1,.• nt in ileac ;,, hoard the Cy clops, the Phemix, awl the Ilydra mid 11.e • -,1.1rt3llary to Hut on board the Gorgon. This a a• til..1eNt,,,,d to be p. i gatory to

them in the morning. l'Ite boat: .J' t iliii'szent men commeneed to

take the men fr....-. the transperis lam iy after stun • and about twelve

o'clock the whole was ticeolos'ese„ ;1. v,: ths ;Asset regal:tree, and without a single accident. 1 lied au opp ,ritialt.0 of an: g Teri:Lilt soldiers

leaving. their transports, 91,1 III' 1,ight of pri- vation and hardship ; •t I tinly 1 no, re be- coming, or better de:, rring cuing:atm 1 upon it.

They are a retnarkAly fine, v...,•11-.1,J,i;1/..-d, and dise1i•'"•,, .1 :y men, and I have no doubt eat do credit to the c.,ir iu V.1:ich they are

" Again, at sum her t1.is moiming, the wATuhc harbour may lie said literally to have been in motion ; eel it would he difficult to imagin: at acelie more birilt-

inv,ly beautiful. 'rile harhour or I mit is formed by it ritiorle of bold moun- tains ; the ante-I.ehation range rising a! not a mile from the slime, and ruoning in a crescent from north-east to west. The area from the eon-shore to the base of the mountains is covered with rich plantations of or tege, hilltop, mul- berry, olive, and palm trees; and looks like one large and highly-eultivated garden, thickly studded with villas and hamlets, varied here and thare by the snowy belfry of a convent, or one of those solitary inioarele1 of Sheik which titans such a sombre fettitre in Easters, scenery. The town it: alt' at the smallest* ex tinit,ity of this harbour; and, sei 11 from a little distance embedded in deep verdor,s, has a vzry piettirc.o,tie effect. As a place of de- fence, however, you inieht as well think or (vi-,o Iiug Idroadstairs from the

Channel fleet as lies rout fr,m1 a ship or the foe.. It pe-sesse, how-

ever, ;to aniazingds strong fig trt•:•s, ffieli :nay bold out lawn hi


Abotit when a signal es.: re. •'.; them. After a few shots, the

however, uru1 s“;;Ifact t:: of the' fleet, salee C.'s( of the Forces, (S dim 1'its1.•i waited upon the the design oral' ing a, harbour exhil," tell :I'd 1, • without number p iaslog nod tern, the shrill whist!e t.t. the . gree of ;11.h:it:thin ;nut cc•:iteuacn,.

.1 other officers, • I derided upon, • ,,att the even- ,• ion. Boats

ing to guar- .:: an extreme de •

it was 1:110.1-11 tire ritoll,!:tlitt

shell followed shell in rapid succession, and although the range was nearly three miles, five out of every site shells fell with the precision of a musket-ball; with what effect, however, I could not ascertain, all communication with tit':shore being most rigidly cut oft Burins, the firing of the Benbow, rt signal was intuit fur the steamers and boats to follow the Commodore, who was rounding the north-eastern point of the harbour. It was now clear that the first move was only a demonstration, and that the landing would take place at some point of the coast between Djihail and Beyrout. 'As we moved along the shore, we could eiscern seine of the mountantsers on the hills, but not a soldier on the leach north of this town. The Wanchored on was a close in shore, to prevent any advance in this direction ; and to her effective tiro, aided 'by one of the Austrian frigates, use are indebted that no Egyptian force was able to move down. About eight miles bayond the harbour td1 Beyrout, the Powerful, the Pique, and the steamers:, cast anchor in an hour after their departure. They were soon joined by the Turkish Admiral's ship and frigate, the Castor and the Caryseort. A better spot thr the landing could not have been selected ; and as the march of the Egyptian troops was effectually cut off by the ships aloess.


.shore, the order for au iminedia,C h ut,iiiu was given. an hour:sane a

quarter, nearly 5,000 men, including 1,500 Marines and Artillery, were ashore without a single accident, almost without a wet foot. Otte Or the steamer:, (the Hydra) landed her men (1,500) about three miles nearer to Beyrout, and 1 am informed quite as safely." The Princess Charlotte, Ganges, Benbow, Edinburgh, and the Re- venge, were left at Beyrout, which they commenced bombarding on the same afternoon.

On the I lth, Admiral Stopford and the Austrian Rear-Admiral sent a ,joint note to Soiyman Pasha, the Governer of Beyrout, desiring hint to put it stop to further effusion of blood, and to withdraw his troops from the town. The Governor's reply was a positive refusal. It eon- Mined the following rebuke to the .Admirals for their plan of warfare-

" ..1s, you ohserve, "I was enabled yesterday fully to appreciate all the extent ()relit it was hi your power to bring down on innocent lionilies, strangers to the pr, sent 11d:understanding. For the sake of Iziiiing lee of my boldiers, you hare ruined and brought families into desolation ; you have killed women, zt tender infant and its mother, on ul l titan, two unfortunate peasants, and doubtless many others whose names have not reached me; and, lat• from slackening the tire et your ships. :seen my soldiers (who during that deplorable day did not once iire) till hack on the town across the inhabited country of Beyrout, your lire, I say, became more vigorous and destructive for the unffirtunote peasants rather than far tuts' soldiers. You appear decided to make yourselves masters of the toss, not withstatuling that, in any event, the question will remain as before. If the :intone of war prove adverse to me, Berrout shall only hull into your power whim reduced to cinders. This town lies not ceased i;,:ing inhabited, and, moreover, it contains merchandise imported from Europe, the value of which is consitheobk. lOulsr these circumstances, 1 have constantly micas vowed to justify throeshaut the grateful thanks which I have received front Earupeam. Cuards b en posted to secure respect to their habitations mid tleir mat.s.todnes. They wetild find them untouched on their return. It lies nat in toy power 10 deliver the town; any orders arc fur its defence, and I shrill defead it cone: 10110 may."

'Elie firing, which had been suspended, was then resented, and con- tinned (Writ's the following days, till the 16th ; when the Egyptian troops having :ill left the town, it ceased. It is stated that a thousand lives have been lost in Beyrout by the firieg mid the faring ruins- " Only I wo shots were returned by the town, without, however, causing any damage. The thigs of the American, Danish, Spanish, and Creek Consuls continued Is Mg on the reins of their respective consulates on the 20th, 110f, NViIlistnnding theAr funetionaries had withdrawn themselves. The American Consulate bad suffered most by the bombardment and the siffisequent pillage of the valuables and furniture by the Egyptian troops. The stores of the British merchants have iikeirke been ransacked.

" On the 1001 of September, the Edinburgh and Hastings were the enly ships at Beyrout, stationed there to prevent communication with Alexandria.

Whilst these events were going on before Beyrout, the troops, which had effested their landing, immediately commenced throwing up defences. Commodore Napier was secs actively engaged, without his coat, urging the men to complete the works before the Egyptians, from whom an attack was hourly expected, appeared. Several alarms were given, but the enemy did not disturb their operations. On the 1:201, an attack was made on a small town named /jihail, or Gibbail, about ten miles to the North of Beyrout. This place was captured after some loss, as it was defended by a strong fbrt. Another small town was also taken ; ossession of out the coast. No sooner had the troops effected a landing, the t the Mountaiticers began to join them. They' are said to have ex- pressed the gr,:lti2st enthusiasm, anti showed their joy by the most ex- travagant gestieuletions : arms end ammunition were given to them, but the supply was by no means equal to the demand, and a ship was des- patched for more. It is said that upwards of twelve thousand of the ,iountaineers had been supplied with arms. Ibrahim's troops were also deserting to the English and Turkish camp. The accounts last re- ceived, say- " The allied troops are all on shore at Djuuni, under the immediate com- mand of Commodore Napier, whose camp is distinguished by his brutul pen- dant. The standards or _Austria and Turkey are Ilyieg from their respective cramps. Breasts orks and intrenchments are formed all round the British lines. The entire tune consists of 6,1,00 'Turks, 1,500 British Marines, 250 Austrian Matioes, :1,0110 Mountaineers, besides the British Artillerymen, Sap- pes and Miners log:thin. nearly 12,000. These are posted in three separate fortified lines ; flue utter one nearest the enemy is composed of 1,500 Turks, the centre one 2,6tX1 Turks, and the inner one 3,000 British, Austrians, and Turks, besides the Mutt n t aineers, which latter above 3,0(10 have lean armed at Dijhail and Tripoli, by the Castor, Carvsfort, and. Pique, stationed there for that purpose. Ibrahim occupies, with'. an army of 14,0110 troops, the high; range of mountains immediately over the encampment of the Allies, from whose outer lines skirmishes are frequently observed to take place between Ibrahim's troops and the Timis-arrived Maronites."