10 OCTOBER 1840, Page 7

At the sitting of the Court of Peers ou Friday,

for the tt la: or Prince Louis Napoleua. the pleadings for the defence were cot:Aided. The Procureur-Geoeral replied. 1Ie denounced M. Berryer's politicel advo- cacy, and coetended that the principles that lie had laid down could not 1w tolerated in a country which had recogeized the revolution of July.

Pi ince Louis observed, that the Precureur-General's speech was very eloquent, and very useless. In confiding his defence to 31. Ilcrryer, he had fulfilled a duty to his birth, his family, ;rad the country ; but he did not ish his fine to be separated froot that of his companions, and so he begged AI. Berryer not to say ally thing further in reply to the Pro- Cu•eur-General.

On Tuesday the Court reassembled ; when the following prisoners were declared guilty, and their sentences paezed in their absence.

Prince Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte was sentenced to perpetual imprisonment in a fbrtress situate on the continental territory of France; Lieutenant Aladernze was condemned. to traosportution ; Count Montliolon, Charles Parquin, Lombar.l. :tint Persiem v. to t wept v years' detention ;" Captain Messouan, to fifteen years of the :nlc penalty ; Colonel Voisin, Forestier, nod Ornatio, to ten years ; Eugene Bataille, Colonel Montauban, and Oa,i, to five years' "detention," and to remain during. their lives under the surveillance ui the police, and to be deprived of their titles and rank. Louis Conmect was sentenced to two years' imprisonment, and to remain under the surveillance of the police during live years ; and Laborde, to two t rari imprisonment und to two years' surveillanee. They were all, moreover, cundem14,d ill the

costs. Desjardino. Galvani, and Bare were acquitted.

Prince Louis Napoleon. and his companion8 Wei...r to have been TO- moved on Tuesday night from the prison of the Loxembnrg. one o.:rtion to the citadel of Ilam, and the other to that of Blaye. '1'lle Prime! Was said to have taken his condemnation very quietly, merely oltserving that he had one satisfaction lejt—namely, that 01' ram:tilting: in Prance ; and that the word " perpetual" was expurated from the French voca- bulary, at least as respected political ()Meld:tat. General Alootholon, eat the contrary, was astounded by his ,cuter;', having throughout the proceedings, indulged a hope of being acquitted, from his personal ae- quaintanee and intimacy with the greater number of his judges. His disappointment was such that he took to his he-I, and, being indisposed, was unable to follow his companions to the place of their captivity. Colonel Parquin also felt his condemnation most keenly. Lieu- tenant Aladenize escaped being sentenced to death by It majority of four votes. The prisoners will not undergo public degradation. as is usually the case, but 1w simply invite:1 to abstain front wearing the insignia of their military ranks, decorations, Ce. It is stated that the lieptellican Committee sent an egent to Prince Louis in the Conciergerie. be 'ore his trial; who proposed to him, ins the name of that party, to at em t his rescue if lie would consult to niche a decla- ration of Repub. can principles, and to oiler his services as a soldier of the Republic. he Prince retie:tel.

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