10 OCTOBER 1846, Page 11


STOCK EXCHANGE, Fatztay AlTEHNOON. Nothing has transpired during the week calculated to influence the English Funds; consequently there has been little or no fluctuation in the Consol Market. The closing prices today are 954 4.

In the Foreign Market there has been scarcely any business done. Some little stir was made this afternoon among the Portuguese jobbers, by a report that the mail had arrived; but it proved to be erroneous, and to have arisen out of the cir- cumstance of the outward mail having put back. Portuguese Stock is rather higher than at the close of last week; standing today at 411 to 424. Mexican was decidedly lower; closing at 23* to 24*.

The Share Market has been very dull, and the few bargains done have been in most cases at lower prices than last week. The principal feature has been a great fall in the price of North British Railway Shares, disproportionate to the general depression. This was caused by a panic on the late fell of a partof the works becoming known, and shows the extremely nervous state of the'public mind. Even allowing that the first reports of the disaster were not likely to be oon- siderablyexaggerated, and • the contractors not bound to restore the work, there was nothing in this accident to justify the extensive fall which the shares expe- rienced. It might affect ensuing dividends, both in the repairing (if that cost fell upon the company) and the suspension of traffic; but the ultimate pro- spects of the concern could not be injured by an accident of this nature. How- ever, the public neither waited to hear further reports nor to reason on the one they received; and these shares, which were at 35*last Thursday, and last month stood at 39, closed today at 324 to #. The bargains done today show some symp- tom of improvement in the principal lines; as will be seen from the following list. Ambergate, Nottingham, and Boston, 2/ to 2; Birmingham and Oxford Junction, 54 to 41 ; Bristol and Exeter, 82; Bristol and Gloucester, 50; Chester and Holyhead, 234; Direct Northern, 14 to #; Eastern Counties, 21 to 4; Ditto, New, 64 to 4; Ditto, York Extension, 14 to 1; Ely and Huntingdon, 4; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 304 ; Great Western, 135; Ditto, Half-shares, 79; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 194 to 1E4; Ditto, New, 64; London and Brighton, 584 to 58; London and North-western, 192 to 4; London and South-western, 67; Manchester and Leeds, 101; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 54 to 4; Manchester and Birmingham, 74; Norfolk, 131; Boulogne and Amiens, 144 to*; Dutch Rhenish, 44; Great Western of Canada, 34; Paris and Lyons, 54; Rouen and Havre, 271.


The Market has opened this morning with a slightly improved aspect, without any apparent cause. The improvement, however, is not very extensive; nor does it give indications of increasing. The only bargains done this morning are in the fol lowing shares: Bristol and Exeter, 89 to 91; Chester and Holyhead, 28; Great Western, 130 to 135; London and Brighton, 584; South-eastern and Dover, 37 to 38; Boulogne and Amiens, 141 to 4; Dutch Rhenish, 411; Great Northern of

France, 134 to a.

SATUSDAY, Two o'Crocir.

The Market is closing at steady prices; the tendency of mast Stocks being rather buoyant than otherwise. In the Portuguese Market the arrival of the mail has created some activity at the prices marked. But little business has been done in Shares, and no alteration in prices has to be recorded.

3 per Cent Consols 95: Danish 3 per Cents . •ex My. 86 8 954 shut Dutch 24 per Cents 59 Ditto 4 per Cents ...ex dlv 924 34 shut Mexican 5 per Cents. • .1846 234 4 shut New Grenada • 21 22

shut Portuguese New 5 p. Cts.1841 83 8S

prem. 15 18 Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 41 3 Russian 5 per Cents 110 112 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 264 Ditto 8 per Cents 1842 374 Venezuela 42 3 Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 34 per Cents

Long Annuities

Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents exd1v. Belgian 44 per Cents. ex dlv. Chili= 6 per Cents . ex dlv. Columbian ex Venezuela. • • 85 7 97 9 97 9 15 16