10 OCTOBER 1896, Page 13

On Sermon Preparation. By the Bishop of Ripon and Others.

(Seeley and Co.)—Twelve well-known preachers give their ideas about the preparing of sermons. Among them are Deans Farrar and Lefroy, Archdeacon Sinclair, Mr. W. H. M. H. Aitken, and Prebendary Webb-Peploe. On the whole, they are well agreed. The sermon delivered menwriter is generally condemned. Extempore preaching is recommended, with limitations. The maxim, rem tens, verba sequentur, is enforced. Study is strongly recommended, and there is at least one condemnation of the encyclopedic volumes which are being prepared for the purpose, it would seem, of saving preachers the trouble of reading and thinking. A young clergyman cannot do better than read this volume, not all at once, for this might confuse, but taking the lessons one by one, and with intervals of experiment.