10 OCTOBER 1908, Page 17



Sin,—The Press in general has been so generous in its reports of the International Moral Education Congress recently held, and has so clearly perceived its great significance, that I venture to ask you, in view of the wide interest that has been created in the cause of the moral education of the young, to allow me to call attention in your columns to the work of the Moral Instruction League, whose propaganda during the past ten years prepared the way for this important Congress, and which exists to give practical effect to the promotion of the cause for which the Congress was hold.

The League has already influenced the Board of Education to make some provision for moral instruction in public elementary schools, and some sixty local education authorities to take action in the direction of providing in their schools for more or less systematic moral instruction. Its Graduated Syllabus of Moral and Civic Instruction for Elementary Schools (a copy of which I shall be glad to send gratis to your readers on receipt of a post- card) has already been very widely adopted, and its moral-lesson books, adapted to the various ages of children, have been welcomed by all, since they present moral ideas to children in ways that cannot fail to interest.them, and give offence to none, since they keep strictly to that neutral moral ground which is common to all theological and non-theological bodies.

I shall be glad to supply further information about the League to any desiring the same.—I am, Sir, &c.,


Secretary of the Moral Instruction League. 6 York Buildings, Adelphi, W.C.