10 OCTOBER 1908, Page 3

We note With regret the death of Sir George Livesey,

one of the strongest and ablest figures in the industrial world. There never was a more striking example. of the success of specialisation. Entering the South Metropolitan Gasworks, Of which his father was secretary, at the age of fourteen, and mastering every department of the business, he became a director when he was forty-eight, and was chairman from 1.885 to his death. A convinced individualist, with no belief in legislative interference, he was none the less inspired by a genuine concern for the good of the working men. His services are well summed up in a leading article in Monday's Daily Chronicle. He was the father of cheap gas, the founder of the sliding-scale under which the dividends of shareholders varied inversely with the price of gas, and he carried out what is probably the greatest experiment in co-partnership with conspicuous success. The staff of the South Metropolitan Gas Company have "close on £400,000 invested in the company, and they have three representatives on the board of directors."