10 OCTOBER 1914, Page 23

The interest which Americans take in Constitutional questions is indicated

by their steady output of conscientious and learned monographs. Amongst recent works of this kind we may call attention to Dr. Gaillard Hunt's history of The Department of State of the United States (Humphrey Milford, 10s. net) which deals with foreign relations ; Professor W. M. Sloane's study of Party Government in the United States (Harper and Brothers, 7e. 6d. net), based on lectures which the author delivered at the Universities of Berlin and Munich during his tenure of the special Roosevelt Chair; Mr. Cardinal Goodwin's account of The Establishment of State Government in California (Macmillan and Co., 8s. Gd. net), dealing with the important period from 1846 to 1850; and Dr. A. C. Cole's essay on The Whig Party in the South (Humphrey Milford 6e. 6d. net), to which the Justin Winsor Prize was awarded by the American Historical Association in 1012.