10 OCTOBER 1931, Page 32


people wilt see-to-it that none-of these things -happen, hut- though an upward movement might be restrained by some unfortunately we have an electorate which for the diversion of attention to industrial and other securities. most part is profoundly ignorant concerning the economic If, however, the result of the Election should be a issues which are now the chief concern of the country, = victory for the Socialists or were even to he of an incon- while the Socialist agitators are not only busy at the elusive character I am afraid that British Government street corners but have been busy for years past, and our stocks and kindred securities would have a bad time. Because I cannot visualize such a tragedy-I-am -not dis- love for "freedom " and the rights of "free speech" But while I wish, as far as possible,to fulfil my promise of a week ago; I "ani conscious that it can only be but a partial fulfilment. As readers of this _ column are well aware, I have,: rightly Or wrongly; anticipated for some long- tithe-past that extravagance in the National expen- diture and -the continuance- of SocialiSt legislation, with its penalizing of capital, must sooner or later bring about something -approaching economic disaster. Up to the present it has so far succeeded as to drive us from' the gold standard, while we :know from the. nianifesto pub- lished last week by the Socialist _Party that so far from being repentant with regard to the price which has had to be 'paid by taxpayers and unemployed alike for the past two years-of mal-administration, it is now suggested that the control of -banking and of credit should be given 'Over to their keeping. Can we be surprised there should be a lack of confidence ? . It was the advent of the Socialist Ministry in France some years ago which sent down. the franc, and which necessitated the drastic devaluation in that cbuntry which cost the Rentier dearly. know-: -- urged-that the Coining:in SeriSe of-tile EirgliSli