10 OCTOBER 1952, Page 16

Sinclair Lewis

Sia,—Under the will of Sinclair Lewis all of his manuscripts, letters and other private papers were bequeathed to the Yale University Library, and, under a contract which the executors of the estate of Sinclair Lewis have signed, a biography of Mr. Lewis is now in prepara- tion by Mark Schorer, Professor of English at the University of California, Berkeley. In furtherance of the desires of Sinclair Lewis and in the interests of his estate, the Yale University Library invites the co-operation of all friends and acquaintances who received and kept any of Mr. Lewis's letters. The Yale University Library will warmly welcome the gift of all such letters written by Sinclair Lewis to add to its collection, with proper acknowledgment to the donors; but, if any who own such letters wish to retain physical possession of them, the Yale University Library extends an invitation to such persons to submit the letters for photostating on the understanding that the originals will be returned promptly to the senders.

All such letters or communications about them should be sent to the undersigned at the address given below.—Yours faithfully,


(Curator, Yale Collection of American Literature.) Yale University Library, New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A.