10 OCTOBER 1970, Page 36

Crossword 1450


A prize of three guineas will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution opened on 19 October. Address solutions: Crossword 1450, The Spectator, 99 Gower Street, London WC1


1 'Here lies a King that mrd, as he thought fit The universal — of wit' (Carew) (8) 5 It's way out! (6)

9 A careless bit of work, really (8) 10 On which the pianist might hope to take wing? (6) 12 Reduce speed, it's cheaper (3, 4) 13 From otit of a digging look into it (7) 14 Miss, denied a bouquet, sounds as though she intended a temptation (12) 17 Condition for which the N.H.S. might take a bow? (3, 2, 1, 6)

"I", Lionised Shakespearian father (7)

23 Dear old things turn out to be literate (7)

24 Variations on a theme of mystery (6)

5/ When I add, watch out for an oncoming blow (4, 4) 26 'Knelt doWn with angry prayers For.tamed and shabby —' (Ralph Hodgson) (6)

27 Lesser lights (8)

Down 1 Old Time accompaniment? (6) 2 The marshal with tin for close on a century (6) 3 That well-weathered isle (7)

441 . 0 thread so of course it's a question of old-style combined operations (5, 3, 4)

6 Giant killer (7)

7 Clocking-in device for the hard-boiled, perhaps? (3-5) 8 Slants that is angular defences (8) 11 Get more savage, chaps, on the square and show perplexity (12)

15 Society? That's a rich one! (8) 16 Going hawk-like to conquer? (8)

18 Harms me? One's just playing possum (7)

19 Hero's club? (7)

20 Iron way concealed by the likes of Skimble- shanks (6) 21 Oblique lines, like something out of Julia! Caesar (6)

Solution and winner on 24 October

Solution to Crossword 1448. Across: 1 Remote 4 Wildtell 10 Totemic 11 Profits 12 Revelatio 13 Buss 15 insides 17 Ingress 19 Godowns 11 Garbage 23 Rave 24 Spoken word 27 FoliaRe 28 Tuition 29 Treating 30 Festus. Down: I Re. turning 2 Motives 3 Tumbledown 5 Improving 6 Doom 7 Epicure 8 Lasts 9 Scat 14 Aggrandise 16 Sisyphean 18 Steadings 20 Divulge E Agonist 23 Refit 25 Katy 26 Salt.

Winner: G. R. Smith, 11 Pasture Terrace, Beverley, i'orkshire.